.. meta::
:description: Kdenlive Documentation - Compositing: Compositions Alpha Operations
:keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, documentation, user manual, video editor, open source, free, learn, easy, compositing, composition, compositions, alpha, operations
.. metadata-placeholder
:authors: - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj)
:license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0
.. _compositions-alpha_operations:
Alpha Operations
The **Alpha Operations** composition types require an alpha channel in the clips on the blend and base track. If the clips do not have an :doc:`alpha channel `, you can add one by using effects from the :doc:`/effects_and_filters/video_effects/alpha_mask_keying` effects category.
.. container:: clear-both
.. figure:: /images/effects_and_compositions/compositions-alpha_ops-timeline.gif
:width: 360px
:figwidth: 360px
:align: left
Changing the composition type **Alpha operation**
You can change the **Alpha Operation** by selecting from the :guilabel:`Composition Type` drop-down list.
.. rst-class:: clear-both
For this comparison, :doc:`title clips ` were used for the orange square on the blend track, and for a blue circle in the base track.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:width: 100%
:widths: 30 30 40
:class: table-wrap
* - Composition Type
- Example
- Notes
* - Default composite
- .. image:: /images/effects_and_compositions/composition_method-alpha_baseline.webp
- The square on the upper track (blend track) covers part of the circle on the lower track (base track)
* - .. _alpha-atop:
Alpha ATOP
- .. image:: /images/effects_and_compositions/composition_method-alpha_atop.webp
- Draw a pixel from the base layer on top of the blend layer if both layers have a non-alpha pixel (|frei0r.alphaatop|)
* - .. _alpha-in:
Alpha IN
- .. image:: /images/effects_and_compositions/composition_method-alpha_in.webp
- Draw a pixel from the base layer only where both layers have a non-alpha pixel. This is the alpha equivalent of clipping. (|frei0r.alphain|)
* - .. _alpha-out:
Alpha OUT
- .. image:: /images/effects_and_compositions/composition_method-alpha_out.webp
- Draw an alpha pixel only where both layers have a non-alpha pixel, otherwise draw the pixel from the base layer. This is the alpha equivalent of clipping. (|frei0r.alphaout|)
* - .. _alpha-over:
Alpha OVER
- .. image:: /images/effects_and_compositions/composition_method-alpha_over.webp
- Overlay the blend layer with the base layer (|frei0r.alphaover|)
* - .. _alpha-xor:
Alpha XOR
- .. image:: /images/effects_and_compositions/composition_method-alpha_xor.webp
- Draw a pixel only where either layer has a pixel, and no pixel (alpha) where both layers have a pixel (|frei0r.alphaxor|)
.. ===========================================================================
Link listcompositing/compositions.rst
.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
.. |frei0r.alphaatop| raw:: html
.. |frei0r.alphain| raw:: html
.. |frei0r.alphaout| raw:: html
.. |frei0r.alphaover| raw:: html
.. |frei0r.alphaxor| raw:: html