.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Video Effects - Transpose :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, video editor, help, learn, easy, effects, filter, video effects, transform, distort, perspective, transpose .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 Transpose ========= .. figure:: /images/effects_and_compositions/kdenlive2304_effects-transpose.webp :width: 365px :figwidth: 365px :align: left :alt: kdenlive2304_effects-transpose .. sidebar:: |kdenlive-show-video| Transpose :**Status**: Maintained :**Keyframes**: No :**Source library**: avfilter :**Source filter**: transpose :**Available**: |linux| |appimage| |windows| |apple| :**On Master only**: No :**Known bugs**: No .. rst-class:: clear-both .. rubric:: Description This effect/filter transposes rows with columns in the clip and optionally flips it. This is useful if a video recorded with a smartphone is imported as a landscape clip. .. rubric:: Parameters .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :width: 100% :widths: 20 10 70 :class: table-wrap * - Parameter - Value - Description * - Direction - Selection - Set the direction of the transposition * - Override if - Selection - Override the transposition if clip is identified as **Portrait** or **Landscape**. Select **None** if you want to transpose regardless. The following selection items are available: :guilabel:`Direction` .. list-table:: :width: 100% :widths: 20 80 :class: table-wrap * - Clock - default * - Clock flip - * - Counter clock - * - Counter clock flip - :guilabel:`Override if` .. list-table:: :width: 100% :widths: 20 80 :class: table-simple * - None - default * - Portrait - * - Landscape - .. note:: Many smartphones and digital cameras nowadays set an ``autorotate`` flag in the recorded video. Kdenlive can read the flag, and transposes videos automatically when importing. Check the clip's properties (:ref:`clip_properties`) if you want Kdenlive to handle that differently and set the :guilabel:`Disable autorotate` to any other value than 0 (default) or switch it to **On**. .. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Icons used here (remove comment indent to enable them for this document) .. |linux| image:: /images/icons/linux.png :width: 14px :alt: Linux :class: no-scaled-link .. |appimage| image:: /images/icons/kdenlive-appimage_3.svg :width: 14px :alt: appimage :class: no-scaled-link .. |windows| image:: /images/icons/windows.png :width: 14px :alt: Windows :class: no-scaled-link .. |apple| image:: /images/icons/apple.png :width: 14px :alt: MacOS :class: no-scaled-link