.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Tips & Tricks - Disable All Timeline Effects :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, tips, tricks, tips & tricks, disable, timeline, effects, documentation, user manual, video editor, open source, free, learn, easy .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - TheDiveO - Eugen Mohr - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 Disable All Timeline Effects ============================ Did you know that you can **temporarily disable all timeline effects at once?** This may be helpful when you want to do some timeline work, yet some performance heavy effects slow down this work. Alternatively, you may want to consider using Kdenlive's timeline preview. .. .. image:: /images/disable-timeline-effects.jpeg .. figure:: /images/tips_and_tricks/kdenlive2308_disable_timeline_effects.webp :align: left :alt: kdenlive2308_disable_timeline_effects.webp :width: 350px :menuselection:`Menu --> Timeline` You will find the corresponding option in the main menu :menuselection:`Menu --> Timeline --> Disable Timeline Effects`. This disables or re-enables all timeline effects, that is timeline clip effects and track effects. However, please note that prior to Kdenlive 16.08.1, track effects are not properly disabled or re-enabled by :menuselection:`Menu --> Timeline --> Disable Timeline Effects`. Please see :doc:`effects_everywhere` about how to temporarily disable bin clip effects. .. rst-class:: clear-both .. rubric:: Notes .. |kdenlive_org| raw:: html kdenlive.org **Sources** The original text was submitted by user *TheDiveO* to the now defunct kdenlive.org blog. For this documentation it has been lifted from |kdenlive_org| and adapted to match the overall style.