
The composition type Composite is a transition and combines composition methods with the Transform effect. It is not animated by default but has keyframes which gives you fine control over what is happening when. The Opacity parameter controls the level of compositing with the selected Compositing method.

The Composite transition by default assigns a simple dissolve. You can select a different Composite Method, download from KDE Store, or use a file from your local file system.


Settings for the Composite transition

Only the parameters below the keyframe ruler can be animated via keyframes. By default, this composition just applies the selected Composite Method. You can use the keyframes to move and scale the clip. Use Opacity to control the amount of compositing. Softness controls the amount of feathering (0 creates a sharp edge between the clips).

This list shows the standard available composite methods:

Composite Method



None (Dissolve)


This is a simple dissolve transition between the two tracks. The Softness slider has no effect.

Bar Horizontal


Bar Vertical


Barn Door Diagonal NW-SE


Barn Door Diagonal SW-NE


Barn Door Horizontal


Barn Door Vertical


Barn V Up


Bi-Linear X


Bi-Linear Y


Box Bottom Left


Box Bottom Right


Box Right Center




Checkerboard Small




Clock Top






Diagonal Top Left


Diagonal Top Right


Double Iris


Horizontal Blinds


Iris Box


Iris Circle


Linear X


Linear Y


Matrix Snake Horizontal


Matrix Snake Parallel Horizontal


Matrix Snake Parallel Vertical


Matrix Snake Vertical


Matrix Waterfall Horizontal


Matrix Waterfall Vertical




Radial Bars




Spiral 2




Square 2


Square 2 Bars


Symmetric Clock


Revert is checked by default, flipping the direction of the transition (goes from the upper track to the lower track)