.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Documentation - Configuration Information :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, documentation, user manual, install, installation, configuration, preferences, video editor, open source, free, learn, easy .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 Configuration Information ------------------------- Kdenlive's application-wide persistent settings are stored in the following locations, depending on your platform. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :width: 100% :widths: 33 32 35 :class: table-wrap * - File / Folder - Location - Description * - :file:`kdenliverc` - | |linux|: :file:`~/.config/` | |windows|: :file:`%LocalAppData%\\` - General settings of the application. Delete this and restart Kdenlive to reset the application to "factory" settings * - :file:`kdenlive-appimagerc` - | |linux|: :file:`~/.config/` - Linux AppImage only: contains the general settings of the application * - :file:`kdenlive_*` - | |linux|: :file:`~/.config/session/` - temporary session info * - | |linux|: :file:`~/.cache/kdenlive/` | |windows|: :file:`%LocalAppData%\\kdenlive\\` - - Audio and video thumbnails, proxy clips, user defined titles, LUTS, lumas, shortcuts * - | |linux|: :file:`~/.local/share/kdenlive/` | |windows|: :file:`%AppData%\\kdenlive\\` - - Contains downloaded effects, export, library, opencv models, profiles, speech models, and titles * - | |linux|: :file:`~/.local/share/kdenlive/ lumas/` | |windows|: :file:`%LocalAppData%\\kdenlive\\ lumas\\` - - Contains the files used for :doc:`wipes ` * - | |linux|: :file:`~/.local/share/kdenlive/ .backup/` | |windows|: :file:`%AppData%\\kdenlive\\ .backup\\` - - Auto Save Recovery files * - | :file:`kdenlive-layoutsrc` - | |linux|: :file:`~/.config/` | |windows|: :file:`%LocalAppData%\\` - Contains the layout settings * - | :file:`kdenliveui.rc` - | |linux|: :file:`~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/ kdenlive/` | |windows|: :file:`%LocalAppData%\\kxmlgui5\\ kdenlive\\` - Contains UI configuration. If your UI is broken, delete this file. * - | :file:`knewstuff3` - | |linux|: :file:`~/.local/share/` | |windows|: :file:`%LocalAppData%\\` - Contains LUT definition * - | |linux|: :file:`~/.local/share/kdenlive/ speechmodels/` | |windows|: :file:`%AppData%\\kdenlive\\ speechmodels\\` - - Contains the downloaded VOSK models * - | |linux|: :file:`~/.local/share/kdenlive/ opencvmodels/` | |windows|: :file:`%AppData%\\kdenlive\\ pencvmodels\\` - - Contains the downloaded OpenCV models * - | |linux|: :file:`~/.local/share/kdenlive/ venv/` | |windows|: :file:`%LocalAppData%\\kdenlive\\ venv\\` - - Contains the Python virtual environment (venv) * - | |windows|: :file:`$HOME/.cache/huggingface` - - Contains the SeamlessM4T models for Whisper Windows To reach the above folders: :kbd:`Windows+R` then copy above path into the window.