.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Documentation - Configuration Project Defaults :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, documentation, user manual, configuration, preferences, project, defaults, video editor, open source, free, learn, easy .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 Project Defaults ---------------- Kdenlive uses these settings for creating a new project (see Menu > File > New, or when Kdenlive starts and the option for opening the last project is not checked). To change the parameters for a currently open project, use the :doc:`Project Settings`. Please note that while changing parameter for the open project is possible, it is not recommended as it may break things like keyframes and cuts. .. figure:: /images/getting_started/configure_project_defaults_2412.webp :width: 700px :figwidth: 700px :alt: configure_project_defaults_2412 The Project Defaults section :1: :guilabel:`Project Folder`. This is an important setting for keeping your projects organized and your file system shipshape. Kdenlive creates the following folders for each project: :file:`audiothumbs`, :file:`sequences`, :file:`videothumbs`, and :file:`workfiles`. See also :doc:`/getting_started/configure_kdenlive/configuration_info`. :1a: If set to :guilabel:`Default`, Kdenlive will create these folders in a special folder in the installation path. For Linux this is :file:`/home//.var/app/org.kde.kdenlive/cache/kdenlive//`. For Windows this is :file:`%APPDATA\\Local\\kdenlive\\cache`. :1b: :guilabel:`Parent folder of project file`. If this is selected, Kdenlive will create the folders for the project in the parent folder of the project file. For example, if your project file is in :file:`/home/my/projects/project_1/`, Kdenlive will create project related files in :file:`../project_1/`: :file:`/home/my/projects/project_1/audiothumbs/`, :file:`/home/my/projects/project_1/sequences/`, etc. :1c: :guilabel:`Custom project folder`: You can specify a folder to use for these project folders. :2: :guilabel:`Select the Default Profile (preset)`. In this section you define which of the profiles to be used when creating a new project. Use the filters for :guilabel:`Fps` and :guilabel:`Scanning` (the old fashioned reference to :term:`interlaced` or :term:`progressive`). You can create a new profile from here by clicking on |configure|\ :guilabel:`Manage project profiles` icon. For details about how to do that, please see :ref:`Project Profiles / Preset `. :3: :guilabel:`Video/Audio Tracks`. Determines the number of video and tracks a new project has. You can add and delete tracks later at any time. :4: :guilabel:`Audio channels`. Determines how many channels each audio track supports. Options are **2 channels (stereo)** (default), **4 channels**, and **6 channels**. :5: :guilabel:`Timeline Preview profile`. Select which encoding profile to use for the :doc:`Preview Render` function. The available options depend on your HW and installed codecs. You can manage the profiles by clicking on the |configure|\ :guilabel:`Show profile parameters` icon. To see the profile parameters in the text window below the profile selection field, click on the |help-about| icon. .. rubric:: Encoding Profiles .. figure:: /images/getting_started/configure_project_defaults_preview_profiles_2412.webp :width: 500px :figwidth: 500px :alt: configure_project_defaults_preview_profiles_2412 Timeline Preview profiles :1: List of available profiles :2: The parameters used in the selected profile :3: Click on |list-add| to create a new profile based on the selected one, |document-edit| to edit the selected profile, |edit-delete| to delete the selected profile. |edit-download| does not have a function yet.