.. meta:: :description: Do your first steps with Kdenlive video editor, adjust this description to the content of this rst file :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, video editor, help, learn, easy, add here more words that search engines find the Kdenlive documentation .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - add your name here :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 .. This is a remark and only show up in the file itself .. metadata-placeholder: must be placed before :authors: and :license: to avoid i18n translation. .. _template: ********** Main Title ********** .. _template2: Level 1 title ============= Level 2 title ------------- Level 3 title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do not use level 4 title File name: * Not longer than 40 character incl. ".rst" * No space in any file name (including pictures)! * All in lowercase letters Code quality * 1 empty line between title or text paragraph * 2 empty lines after a ``:ref:`` or before a reference After a directive with ``..``, the next line must be indented by 3 blank spaces to make the below line part of the directive. The number of indent spaces must be always the same. .. figures: Only use figures :align: make it possible that you have text on the right site of the figure :with: restrict the figure size :figwith: the caption get a line break after 250px :alt: text which appears when the figure cannot be loaded .. figure:: /images/getting_started/kdenlive_add_last_clip.webp :align: left :width: 500px :figwidth: 500px :alt: Optional text which appears when the picture is not found Description of the picture (caption or legend) .. sidebar:: |kdenlive-show-video| Motion Tracker :**Status**: Maintained :**Keyframes**: Yes :**Source library**: opencv :**Source filter**: tracker :**Available**: |linux| |appimage| |windows| |apple| :**On Master only**: No :**Known bugs**: No .. rst-class:: clear-both The ``rst-class:: clear-both`` directive resets floating text (``:align: left`` or ``right``) before a new chapter or a ``list-table`` directive. The pipe character ``|`` is needed to execute ``rst-class:: clear-both`` when white space is following or in case of a ``list-table`` directive after a ``figure`` directive with ``:align: left`` or ``align: right`` in order for Google Chrome to properly display the table. If there is no ``:align: left`` or ``:align: right``, a ``list-table`` can follow the ``figure`` directive without the need for ``rst-class:: clear-both`` and the ``|`` pipe character. Try to avoid that and do not use ``:align:`` when a ``list-table`` follows. | .. list-table:: :width: 100% :widths: 30 70 :header-rows: 1 :class: table-wrap * - UI Element - Description * - 1 :guilabel:`edit frame` - [Project Monitor only] Identifies the object or area of the effect. :term:`Edit Mode` needs to be enabled for the frame to show. * - 2 :guilabel:`edit frame handles` - Used to change the size (square handles) and move the frame (circle in the middle) .. rubric:: Images side by side Use ``.. rubric::`` if you want a section-like element that is not included in the table of contents. |pic1| any text |pic2| .. |pic1| image:: /images/tips_and_tricks/shooting_nikon_50mm.webp :alt: shooting_nikon_50mm.webp :width: 30% .. |pic2| image:: /images/tips_and_tricks/shooting_nikon_35mm.webp :alt: shooting_nikon_35mm.webp :width: 30% | These lines are | broken exactly like in | the source file. Exponent 2 :sup:`8` = 256 This is a footnote\ [1]_ This is the next footnote\ [#]_ Link to a file :file:`quickstart-tutorial/Videos/` Download link :download:`kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2 ` This is a link to :ref:`template` and shows the text below the link This is a link to `edit_an-animation` and shows the word "here" :ref:`here ` .. note:: This shows a note window .. attention:: This shows an attention window .. tip:: This shows a tip window .. hint:: This shows a hint window .. Warning:: This shows a warning window .. admonition:: Windows Only! This is a warning for Windows user only. This is **bold text** This is *italic text* backquotes ``text`` for code samples. Glossary Entry. Link a Term to its glossary entry :term:`Active Track`. Showing different text :term:`make a track active ` Use for menu selection :menuselection:`Menu --> File --> New` (This is used to mark a complete sequence of menu selections, including selecting submenus and choosing a specific operation) This shows an icon |kdenlive-add-clip| (for all linked icons check substitutions in `conf.py`) This is a keyboard shortcut :kbd:`Ctrl+Wheel` (keep the 2 keys inside 1 \` \` due to translation reasons) This is a text in the GUI :guilabel:`Play` (including button labels, window titles, field names, menu and menu selection names, and even values in selection lists) .. code-block:: bash This shows a code block SUBSYSTEMS"usb", ATTRS{idVendor} .. versionadded:: 21.12 This feature was **added** in version 21.12 .. versionchanged:: 22.12 This feature was **changed** in version 22.12 .. deprecated:: 23.04 This feature was **exchanged** or **removed** in version 23.04 .. Open a link in a new window in reStructuredText, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11716781/open-a-link-in-a-new-window-in-restructuredtext Web page link open in a new window |kde| .. |kde| raw:: html KDE Web page link open in the same window `KDE store `_ * This is a bulleted list. * It has two items, the second item uses two lines. 1. This is a numbered list. 2. It has two items too. #. This is a numbered list. #. It has two items too. .. glossary:: :sorted: ``.. glossary::`` and ``:sorted:``: Insert a glossary which is sorted. .. [1] Text of footnote 1. The backslash at the end of the word moves the footnote number closer to the text .. [#] Text of footnote 2 Toctree (Toc = Table of Content) adds the content on the left-side sidebar. Only needed if there are subfolders. .. .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: get_involved/*