.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Documentation - Title Editor Workspace :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, documentation, user manual, video editor, open source, free, learn, easy, titles, title clip, workspace, manage, coordinate, zoom, guides, background .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 ====================== Title Editor Workspace ====================== .. rubric:: Coordinate System .. container:: clear-both .. figure:: /images/titles_and_graphics/title_toolbar-position.webp :width: 337px :figwidth: 337px :alt: title_toolbar-add_object :align: left Object position toolbar The default coordinate for the origin (0,0) is set to be the top left corner of the canvas and all objects. .. rst-class:: clear-both You can change this by clicking the :guilabel:`X` and :guilabel:`Y` buttons. :guilabel:`+X` means the origin of the X-axis is on the left; :guilabel:`-X` means the origin of the X-axis is on the right. :guilabel:`+Y` means the origin of the Y-axis is at the top; :guilabel:`-Y` means the origin of the Y-axis is at the bottom. Therefore, :guilabel:`+X` and :guilabel:`-Y` sets the origin (0,0) of the coordinate system to the bottom left corner (something we ought to be familiar with from school). .. note:: This also sets the center for rotation. .. rubric:: Guides, Zoom Level, and Background .. figure:: /images/titles_and_graphics/titler_app_manage_workspace.webp :width: 360px :figwidth: 360px :align: left :alt: Title Editor Workspace Controls Title editor workspace controls You can adjust some aspects of the workspace using the tools in this toolbar. By default, only :guilabel:`Show background` is selected. If the title clip is in a track above another clip, the content of the clip below the title clip will be shown as the background. :Use grid: Turns on a grid that objects snap to :Show guides: Displays a set of guides and turns on the fields for number of vertical lines (default is 3), horizontal lines (default is 2), and the color button (default is red). :Fit Zoom: Adjusts the zoom level to fit the standard viewport (or the canvas) to the width of the workspace :Original Size (1:1): Adjusts the zoom level to display the title full size (depending on project settings) :Zoom slider: Use the slider to adjust the zoom level. Alternatively, you can enter a zoom level percentage, or use :kbd:`Ctrl+MW` inside the workspace. :Show background: When selected, the content of the clip in the timeline below the title clip is displayed. If not selected, the background can be set to :guilabel:`Checkered`, :guilabel:`Black`, or :guilabel:`White`.