.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Documentation - Configuration Proxy Clips :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, documentation, user manual, configuration, preferences, proxy clips, video editor, open source, free, learn, easy .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 Proxy Clips ----------- .. figure:: /images/getting_started/configure_proxy_clips_2412.webp :width: 700px :figwidth: 700px :alt: configure_proxy_clips_2412 The Proxy Clips section :1: :guilabel:`Enable proxy clips`. In order to be able to use proxy clips at all, they have to be enabled. :2: :guilabel:`Generate for videos larger than`. If checked, proxy clips will be automatically generated for video files larger than the selected amount of pixels wide upon adding them to the project bin. :3: :guilabel:`Proxy video resize (width)`. Specify the target width of the proxy clips in pixels. :4: :guilabel:`Encoding profile`. Select the profile you want Kdenlive to use for creating the proxy clips. The available options depend on your HW. Choose one that offers a good compromise of speed and compression. Click on |configure| to manage the available profiles. :5: :guilabel:`Generate for images larger than`. If checked, proxy clips will be automatically generated for image files larger than the selected amount of pixels wide upon adding them to the project bin. :6: :guilabel:`Proxy image resize (width)`. Specify the target width of the proxy clips in pixels. :7: :guilabel:`External proxy clips`. If enabled, Kdenlive will use proxy files of the specified type that are generated by certain cameras already. Examples are GoPro and Sony cameras, and DJI drones. Click on |configure| to manage the available profiles. .. rubric:: Encoding Profiles .. figure:: /images/getting_started/configure_proxy_clips_encoding_profiles_2412.webp :width: 500px :figwidth: 500px :alt: configure_proxy_clips_encoding_profiles_2412 Proxy Clips encoding profiles :1: List of available profiles :2: The parameters used in the selected profile :3: Click on |list-add| to create a new profile based on the selected one, |document-edit| to edit the selected profile, |edit-delete| to delete the selected profile. |edit-download| does not have a function yet.