.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Video Effects - Rectangular Alpha Mask :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, video editor, help, learn, easy, effects, filter, video effects, alpha, mask, keying, rectangular .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Claus Christensen - Yuri Chornoivan - Ttguy (https://userbase.kde.org/User:Ttguy) - Bushuev (https://userbase.kde.org/User:Bushuev) - Roger (https://userbase.kde.org/User:Roger) - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 .. |mask0mate| raw:: html mask0mate Rectangular Alpha Mask ====================== .. figure:: /images/effects_and_compositions/kdenlive2304_effects-rect_alpha_mask.webp :width: 365px :figwidth: 365px :align: left :alt: kdenlive2304_effects-rect_alpha_mask.webp .. sidebar:: |kdenlive-show-video| Rectangular Alpha Mask :**Status**: Maintained :**Keyframes**: Yes :**Source library**: frei0r :**Source filter**: |mask0mate| :**Available**: |linux| |appimage| |windows| |apple| :**On Master only**: No :**Known bugs**: No .. rst-class:: clear-both .. rubric:: Description Creates a rectangular alpha-channel mask. Its size and position is defined by the values for its edges (left, right, top, bottom). .. rubric:: Parameters .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :width: 100% :widths: 20 10 70 :class: table-wrap * - Parameter - Value - Description * - Invert - Switch - Invert the selection * - Left - Integer - Defines the left edge of the rectangular in number of pixels from the left of the frame * - Right - Integer - Defines the right edge of the rectangular in number of pixels from the right of the frame * - Top - Integer - Defines the top edge of the rectangular in number of pixels from the top of the frame * - Bottom - Integer - Defines the bottom edge of the rectangular in number of pixels from the bottom of the frame * - Blur - Integer - Defines the number of pixels around the edge of the rectangular where :abbr:`feathering (Smoothing or blurring the edges of a feature)` takes place. Default is 0 (hard edge). .. rubric:: Screenshot .. figure:: /images/effects_and_compositions/kdenlive2304_effects-rect_alpha_mask_1.webp :width: 90% :alt: kdenlive2304_effects-rect_alpha_mask Rectangular Alpha Mask effect panel and example .. rubric:: Notes This effect was previously called *Mask0Mate* and is the frei0r |mask0mate| MLT filter.