.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Audio Effects - CMT Plugins :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, documentation, user manual, video editor, open source, audio effects, CMT plugins .. metadata-placeholders :authors: - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 .. |cmt| raw:: html CMT .. |ladspa| raw:: html LADSPA CMT Plugins =========== This category consists of effects and filters from the |ladspa| library pertaining to |cmt| (Computer Music Toolkit). They usually require specific hardware. .. The following filters and effects are available and documented here in detail: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 entry_1 entry_2 ... entry_n The following filters and effects are available but not documented here. Please refer to the |cmt| documentation for more details using the LADSPA identifier listed in the description of the filter. .. hlist:: :columns: 2 * Ambisonic Decoder * Ambisonic Encoder * Ambisonic Rotation * Amplifier Mono * Amplifier Stereo * Amplitude Modulator * Canyon Delay * Echo Delay Line * Feedback Delay Line * FMH-Format to B-Format * Freeverb (Version 3) * Granular Scatter Processor * High Pass Filter (One Pole) * Identity (Audio) * Low Pass Filter (Audio) * Mixer (Stereo to Mono) * Simple Compressor * Simple Expander * Simple Limiter * Sine Oscillator * VCF 303 * Wave Shaper (Sine-Based)