.. meta:: :description: Kdenlive Audio Effects - Audio :keywords: KDE, Kdenlive, documentation, user manual, video editor, open source, audio effects, audio .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Bernd Jordan (https://discuss.kde.org/u/berndmj) :license: Creative Commons License SA 4.0 .. |mlt| raw:: html MLT Audio ===== This category consists of effects and filters that do not fit into any other category or that have not been configured via XML and hence depend on which filter libraries are installed. Therefore, the following filters and effects (spelling as provided) are available but not documented here. Please refer to the |mlt| documentation for more details. .. This can be un-commented once we decided which filter to document here The following filters and effects are available: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 adecorrelate adenorm adrc adynamicequalizer adynamicsmooth aexciter afreqshift afwtdn alatency aphaseshift apsyclip arnndn aspectralstats asubboost asubcut asupercut asuperpass asuperstop atilt audio_levels audio_sample_format_converter audio_seam auto_fade convert_audio_channel_count dialoguenhance ffmpeg_audio_resampler jack sox speechnorm tiltshelf virtualbass .. hlist:: :columns: 2 * adecorrelate * adenorm * adrc * adynamicequalizer * adynamicsmooth * aexciter * afreqshift * afwtdn * alatency * aphaseshift * apsyclip * arnndn * aspectralstats * asubboost * asubcut * asupercut * asuperpass * asuperstop * atilt * audio_levels * audio_sample_format_converter * audio_seam * auto_fade * convert_audio_channel_count * dialoguenhance * ffmpeg_audio_resampler * jack * sox * speechnorm * tiltshelf * virtualbass