Using Camera Proxy Clips

Kdenlive supports using external proxy clips. Some cameras, like Sony PXW-X70 and others allow you to record proxy clips during the normal recording operation.

For Sony camcorders, the file layout is the following:

  • On your SD card, you will have a folder with original full resolution clips (called „Clips“) and a folder with low res proxy clips (called „Sub“).

  • The proxy clips will end with „S03.MP4“ instead of „.MXF“.

For example:

Original clip:




You can create your own external camcorder proxy links directly in the proxy clip setup.

Or you can do it manually: In Kdenlive we have a file called externalproxies.rc that will be installed in $INSTALL_PREFIX/share/kdenlive/externalproxies.rc (Windows: KDENLIVE_INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/data/kdenlive/externalproxies.rc). This is a text file that lists supported camera profiles giving indication about the path and name of proxy clips. This is currently in the form:

profile name=<proxy_folder> (relative to original clip); <proxy clip prefix>; <proxy clip suffix>; <original_folder> (relative to proxy file); <original_clip_prefix>; <original_clip_suffix>

Following camera proxies are supported:

Sony PXW=../Sub;;S03.MP4;../Clip;;.MXF
GoPro LRV=./;GL;.LRV;./;GX;.MP4;./;GP;.LRV;./;GP;.MP4;./;GOPR;.LRV;./;GOPR;.MP4
Akaso LRV=./;;.LRV;./;;.MP4
DJI LRF=./;;.LRF;./;;.MP4
Insta360 AcePro LRV=./;LRV;.lrv;./;VID;.mp4;./;PRO_LRV;.lrv;./;PRO_VID;.mp4

In order to use the already available proxy files go to the project settings, and in the section Proxy Clips check Enable proxy clips if not enabled already, and then check External proxy clips and select your camera profile. Now when you add a clip to your project, Kdenlive will automatically use the camera generated proxy instead of creating a new one. You can also directly add the proxy clip in the project and it will be recognized as a proxy.

This greatly improves workflow if you have such a camera. Other camera brands also enable the creation of proxy clips, so if you have one, please send us information about the path and naming schemes so we can include it in Kdenlive.