Proxy Clips


The Proxy Clips section


Enable proxy clips. In order to be able to use proxy clips at all, they have to be enabled.


Generate for videos larger than. If checked, proxy clips will be automatically generated for video files larger than the selected amount of pixels wide upon adding them to the project bin.


Proxy video resize (width). Specify the target width of the proxy clips in pixels.


Encoding profile. Select the profile you want Kdenlive to use for creating the proxy clips. The available options depend on your HW. Choose one that offers a good compromise of speed and compression. Click on configure to manage the available profiles.


Generate for images larger than. If checked, proxy clips will be automatically generated for image files larger than the selected amount of pixels wide upon adding them to the project bin.


Proxy image resize (width). Specify the target width of the proxy clips in pixels.


External proxy clips. If enabled, Kdenlive will use proxy files of the specified type that are generated by certain cameras already. Examples are GoPro and Sony cameras, and DJI drones. Click on configure to manage the available profiles.

Encoding Profiles


Proxy Clips encoding profiles


List of available profiles


The parameters used in the selected profile


Click on list-add to create a new profile based on the selected one, document-edit to edit the selected profile, edit-delete to delete the selected profile. edit-download does not have a function yet.