Dynamic Text



This effect allows you to overlay specific keywords to the image source, for example the timecode that counts up relative to the start of the clip or the track it is applied to, respectively. It can be controlled directly on the monitor.





Font Family / Size / Weight

Selection / Integer

Select the font and its attributes for the text. Font Weight seems to behave differently depending on the selected font family.

Outline Width


Set the width of the outline in pixels to 0, 1, 2 or 3



The number of pixels to pad the background rectangle beyond the edges of text

Horizontal / Vertical Alignment


Set the horizontal and vertical alignment within the geometry rectangle



What will be displayed as the overlay. You can add any other text between keywords.

<Select a Keyword>


Select the keywords to add to the text field

X / Y / W / H / Size / Opacity

X and Y coordinates, Width and Height, Size and Opacity of the overlay rectangle. You can use these parameters to fine tune the position, size and opacity of the overlay.

Foreground / Background / Outline Color


Specify the colors for the text, the background rectangle defined by Padding and the outline color (if Outline Width is greater than 0).

The following selection items are available:

Horizontal Alignment Vertical Alignment





The following keywords are available:


SMPTE drop-frame timecode of the frame


frame number of the frame

file date

modification date of the file (GMT)

local file date

modification date of the file (local)

source frame rate

frame rate of the source video

source codec

codec used in the source video

source bit rate

bit rate of the source video

source width

width of the source video

source height

height of the source video

source comment

comment embedded in the source video

Timecode keywords are based on the frame rate (fps) and position of the frame. Time-based keywords can include a strftime[1] format string to customize the output as long as you put some delimiter except '#' between the keyword and the format string and the keyword comes first. For example, #localtime %I:%M:%S %p# shows only the time in 12-hour format. The '#' may be escaped with ''.


This effect uses the clip's properties for the calculation of the keywords' values. For example, #timecode# will start counting at the beginning of the clip and not at the position of the clip in the timeline. #timecode# will reset at the start of every clip it is assigned to. In order to have #timecode# count across the whole length of your project you must assign it to the (main) video track.

See also the Rendu option in the render dialog to add time code or frame count to the entire rendered project.


In order to use a semi-transparent background color, click on the color panel, click on + and use the horizontal slider to change the transparency.


You can add effects to entire video tracks by clicking on tools-wizard icon in the track header and choosing Menu ‣ Timeline ‣ Add Effect. Video tracks that have effects added to them have the white tools-wizard, tracks without have a grey tools-wizard icon. See also Track Effect.