
The Archiving feature (Project ‣ Archive Project, see Project Menu) in Kdenlive allows you to copy all files required by the project (images, video clips, project files,...) to a folder, and alternatively to compress the whole into a tar.gz or a zip file.


Archiving the project

Archiving changes the project file to update the path of video clips to the archived versions.

This can be useful if you finished working on a project and want to keep a copy of it, or if you want to move a project from one computer to another.


The resulting tar.gz or zip file can be opened directly in Kdenlive with Menu ‣ File ‣ Open, then switch file ending to Archived Project.


Kdenlive will extract the archive to a location you specify before opening it.


If you have archived the project with the option Archive only timeline clips, Kdenlive will ask what it should do with the not archived clips.