Main Title

Level 1 title

Level 2 title

Level 3 title

Do not use level 4 title

File name:

  • Not longer than 40 character incl. 「.rst」

  • No space in any file name (including pictures)!

  • All in lowercase letters

Code quality

  • 1 empty line between title or text paragraph

  • 2 empty lines after a :ref: or before a reference

After a directive with .., the next line must be indented by 3 blank spaces to make the below line part of the directive. The number of indent spaces must be always the same.

Optional text which appears when the picture is not found

Description of the picture (caption or legend)

The rst-class:: clear-both directive resets floating text (:align: left or right) before a new chapter or a list-table directive.

The pipe character | is needed to execute rst-class:: clear-both when white space is following or in case of a list-table directive after a figure directive with :align: left or align: right in order for Google Chrome to properly display the table. If there is no :align: left or :align: right, a list-table can follow the figure directive without the need for rst-class:: clear-both and the | pipe character. Try to avoid that and do not use :align: when a list-table follows.

UI Element


1 edit frame

[Project Monitor only] Identifies the object or area of the effect. Edit Mode needs to be enabled for the frame to show.

2 edit frame handles

Used to change the size (square handles) and move the frame (circle in the middle)

Images side by side

Use .. rubric:: if you want a section-like element that is not included in the table of contents.

shooting_nikon_50mm.webp any text shooting_nikon_35mm.webp

These lines are
broken exactly like in
the source file.

Exponent 2 8 = 256

This is a footnote[1]

This is the next footnote[2]

Link to a file quickstart-tutorial/Videos/

Download link kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2

This is a link to Main Title and shows the text below the link

This is a link to edit_an-animation and shows the word 「here」 here


This shows a note window


This shows an attention window


This shows a tip window


This shows a hint window


This shows a warning window

Windows Only!

This is a warning for Windows user only.

This is bold text

This is italic text

backquotes text for code samples.

Glossary Entry. Link a Term to its glossary entry Active Track. Showing different text make a track active

Use for menu selection Menu ‣ File ‣ New (This is used to mark a complete sequence of menu selections, including selecting submenus and choosing a specific operation)

This shows an icon kdenlive-add-clip (for all linked icons check substitutions in

This is a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Wheel (keep the 2 keys inside 1 ` ` due to translation reasons)

This is a text in the GUI Play (including button labels, window titles, field names, menu and menu selection names, and even values in selection lists)

This shows a code block
SUBSYSTEMS"usb", ATTRS{idVendor}

在 21.12 版被加入: This feature was added in version 21.12

在 22.12 版的變更: This feature was changed in version 22.12

在 23.04 版之後被棄用: This feature was exchanged or removed in version 23.04

Web page link open in a new window KDE

Web page link open in the same window KDE store

  • This is a bulleted list.

  • It has two items, the second item uses two lines.

  1. This is a numbered list.

  2. It has two items too.

  3. This is a numbered list.

  4. It has two items too.

.. glossary:: and :sorted:: Insert a glossary which is sorted.

Toctree (Toc = Table of Content) adds the content on the left-side sidebar. Only needed if there are subfolders.