Add Clip or Folder

Clips in the context of the Project Bin are all external assets that are imported into Kdenlive. That includes videos, audio files, images, and .json animations, as well as Krita image archives.

For other asset types see title clips and template titles, color clips, animation, and image sequence.

In the project bin toolbar click the kdenlive-add-clipAdd Clip or Folder button, or double click an empty space in the project bin. This brings up the Add Clip Dialog where you can choose video, audio, animation, or still image files (individually or as an image sequence) to add to your project.


Of course, you can also drag and drop files into the project bin from your OS file manager of choice.


Add Clip dialog window


go-previousGo back goes back in your navigation or browsing history

go-nextGo forward goes forward in your navigation or browsing history

go-upGo up goes up one level in the file system folder hierarchy

folder-newAdd folder creates a new folder in the current project bin. These are virtual folders that help you organize large bins. Folders can be turned into their own bins.


view-refreshRefresh document refreshes the current view (default keyboard shortcut F5)


view-list-iconsIcons View switches to icon view

view-list-detailsCompact View switches to compact view

view-list-treeDetails View switches to details view


view-previewShow Preview opens the preview pane to display a preview of the file where the mouse pointer is hovering over (default keyboard shortcut F12)


view-sortSorting opens a context list menu to specify sort field, sort order, and position of folders and hidden files


Use the slider or the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to increase or decrease the icon size


folder-newNew folder opens the new folder dialog window (default keyboard shortcut Ctrl+shift+N)


configureOptions opens a context list menu to specify what to show


Import image sequence enables the import of a series of images that can be used to make a stop motion animation (see also Image Sequence)


Ignore subfolder structure enables importing video footage or audio recording folders while automatically ignoring any sub-folder structures created by some devices, such as the Sony XDCam, Panasonic P2, Canon camcorders, or Zoom audio recorders.