Speech to Text

Nouveau dans la version 21.04.0.


Speech to text does not work with version 21.04.2 due to Vosk API issues. Use version 21.04.1 or 21.04.3 and later versions.

Installer Python

Python 3 needs to be installed on your computer (details see below for Linux and Windows). Once Python is installed, follow these steps to put Python into a virtual environment (afterwards Python is copied to the venv folder)

De-install Python

To remove the installed venv package got to Settings ‣ Kdenlive Settings ‣ Environment ‣ Python and Delete venv.

It will completely remove the venv folder with all installed packages. Note that this does not remove the downloaded models (vosk/whisper) that can still take quite some HD space


Sur la plupart des distributions Linux, le paquet « python » est installé par défaut. Vous pouvez vérifier si c'est le cas pour vous aussi en exécutant « python3 -V »dans un terminal. Si ce paquet « python » n'est pas installé, recherchez sur Internet, vous trouverez de nombreuses instructions pour son installation.


Download python from https://www.python.org/downloads/ for installation on your computer.

Speech Engines

To install the speech engines go to Settings ‣ Configure Kdenlive ‣ Speech to Text.


Vosk download dependencies

Vosk is not installed

When you switch to VOSK for the first time you have to install the missing dependencies first.

Path where VOSK is installed:

  • Linux: ~/.local/share/kdenlive/venv/Lib

  • Windows: %LocalAppData%\kdenlive\venv\Lib

If you have installed VOSK in an earlier Kdenlive version already and now you have chosen the venv folder for Python, you can delete the past installed VOSK libraries by using following command in a console: pip uninstall vosk srt

Install a Language

Goto Settings ‣ Configure Kdenlive... ‣ Speech to Text page and select the speech engine VOSK.

Cliquez sur le lien pour obtenir un modèle de langue.

download link

Faites un glisser et déposer de la langue que vous voulez depuis la page de téléchargement de « vosk-model » vers la fenêtre du modèle. La langue sera téléchargée et extraite automatiquement.

download model

If you have problems or check for updates click on the Check configuration button.

The VOSK speech models are stored here:

Linux: ~/.local/share/kdenlive/speechmodels

Windows: %AppData%\kdenlive\speechmodels


Nouveau dans la version 23.04.

OpenAI-Whisper is a speech recognition model for general use. It is trained on a large dataset of diverse audio and is capable of performing speech translation, and language identification.

Whisper is slower than VOSK on CPU, but it is more accurate than VOSK. Whisper creates sentences with punctuation marks, even in Base mode.

Whisper download dependencies

Whisper is not installed

When you switch to Whisper for the first time you have to install the missing dependencies first (about 2GB to download).

Whisper installed

When all is correct configured, you get this screen.

Path where Whisper is installed:

  • Linux: ~/.local/share/kdenlive/venv/Lib

  • Windows: %LocalAppData%\kdenlive\venv\Lib

The Whisper speech models are stored here:

Linux: ~/.local/share/kdenlive/opencvmodels

Windows: %AppData%\kdenlive\opencvmodels

Model Select the model. More details on the Whisper source code page (default: Base) .

Language Select the language if Autodetect is not accurate (default: Autodetect)

Device For compatibility purposes only CPU is available

Translate text to english This translates non-English text to English during recognition

You can check for updates by clicking on Check configuration

If you have installed Whisper in an earlier Kdenlive version already and now you have chosen the venv folder for Python, you can delete the past installed Whisper libraries by using following command in a console: pip uninstall openai-whisper

Reconnaissance vocale

Select the speech engine

Nouveau dans la version 23.04.

Enable Menu ‣ View ‣ Speech Editor menu item.

change the speech engine

Click on the Hamburger Menu application-menu and select Configure Speech Recognition. This brings you to Configure Speech to Text, select the engine and click OK.

Translate to english is only available with the Whisper speech engine. It translates non-English text to English during recognition.

Création d'un sous-titre par reconnaissance vocale.

Speech to text subtitle

Shown with the VOSK engine

  1. Mark the timeline zone you want to recognize (adjust the blue line)

  2. Click on the Speech recognition icon

  3. Choose the language

  4. Choose how the selected zone should be applied

  5. Press on the Process button

Le sous-titre est créé et inséré automatiquement.


Only timeline zone is implemented for now in automatic subtitles.

Remark to 4: The default is to analyze only the Timeline zone (all tracks) (the blue bar in the timeline ruler). Set the zone in the timeline to what you want to analyze (use I and O to set in and out points). Selected clips option analyses the selected clip only.

Création de vidéos par reconnaissance vocale.

This is useful for interviews and other speech-related footage. Enable the Menu ‣ View ‣ Speech Editor menu item.

Speech editor

Shown with the VOSK engine and search enabled

Select a clip in the Project Bin.

  1. Si nécessaire, définissez le point d'entrée / sortie dans l'écran des vidéos et activez la boîte de dialogue de sélection Zone sélectionnée uniquement. Cela ne reconnaîtra que le texte à l'intérieur de la zone.

  2. Choose the correct language when the VOSK engine is selected. Or choose the Whisper engine by click on Configure Speech Recognition (see configure speech to text)

  3. Appuyez sur le bouton Démarrer la reconnaissance.

  4. Select the text you want. Holding CTRL or Shift to select several texts.

  1. Choose: Create new sequence with edit creates a new sequence with each timecode-text as a single clip, or Insert selection in timeline at playhead position, or to Save edited text in a playlist file which appears in the project bin.

  1. Zoom in or Zoom out of the text. Remove non speech zones deletes all "No speech" entries at once.

  2. Ajouter un signet. Vous pouvez aller directement à ces signets dans la frise chronologique avec le raccourci :kbd:` « ALT » + flèche` ou modifier le signet par un double clic.

  3. Delete the selected text.

  4. Vous pouvez rechercher ici dans le texte.

  5. Et naviguer vers le haut ou vers le bas dans le texte.

Détection de silence

This works with the VOSK engine only.

Open the clip in the clip monitor and open the speech editor window (Menu ‣ View ‣ Speech Editor) .

Select your language or Speech Engines and download the model for it.

Appuyez ensuite sur le bouton Démarrer la reconnaissance.

Once this is done, choose under point 6 from above to Remove non speech zones at once. Or click on the time-code where "No speech" is indicated (hold Ctrl to select several items at once) and just hit the Delete key.

Repeat the operation for all the parts you want to remove, including where someone says what you do not want to include in your final edit.

Once finished, make sure Selected zone only is disabled, click on the Save edited text in a playlist file button (above under point 5) and after few seconds a new playlist is added in the Project Bin without silence and without the text you do not want.