Frise chronologique

The timeline is the central part of Kdenlive. It is made of four different areas:

Timeline pane

Timeline Areas

1 - Timeline. This is the area where you drop your clips to the various tracks. It shows the clips with or without thumbnails, with or without the audio frequency curve, transitions and compositions, as well as the markers, guides and keyframes (if any).

2 - Timeline ruler. This area shows the time in hh:mm:ss:ff notation. It also shows the current zone (if defined) and the preview render zones and their respective render status. A more detailed description can be found further down here. Left-clicking in the timeline ruler will move the Frise chronologique and seek to that position. For the right-click menu see the detailed description.

3 - Timeline Toolbar - This is an important area where the tools for working with the clips in the timeline are easily accessible. Feel free to adjust the timeline toolbar to accommodate your workflow. For details how to do that refer to the section about toolbar configuration.

4 - Track Header. This area displays track header data like track type (V for video, A for audio), track number, with your without track effects, hidden or muted, locked or unlocked, and an optional track name. Each track can be adjusted in height individually as well as expanded or collapsed. A more detailed description can be found further down here. For the right-click menu see the detailed section.

Frise chronologique



En plus de la disponibilité des barres de zoom dans les barres de défilement de l'écran et des trames clés, les barres de zoom sont maintenant disponibles également dans la frise chronologique. Vous pouvez facilement faire un zoom avant / arrière dans la frise chronologique en faisant glisser les bords de la barre de défilement de la frise chronologique. (Les barres verticales de zoom seront bientôt disponibles.) Il est recommandé de lire cette vidéo en mode plein écran.

Key binding information


Les informations d'association de touches ont été ajoutées à gauche tandis que les informations contextuelles ont été déplacées à droite de la Barre d'état. Il est recommandé de lire cette vidéo en mode plein écran.

Timeline visuals

La frise chronologique a été remaniée visuellement avec des couleurs de guides / marqueurs plus nombreuses et plus agréables, les guides ont été déplacés au-dessus de la règle de la frise chronologique tandis que les barres d'aperçus et de zones ont été déplacées en dessous.


Avant (ci-dessus) et après (ci-dessous)

Séparer Audio / Vidéo


The way timeline tracks work has changed. Each track is now either audio or video, and will only accept audio and video clips respectively. When dragging an AV clip from the project bin to the timeline the clip will be automatically split with the video part going on a video track, and the audio part on an audio track.

La séparation de l'audio et de la vidéo est importante pour implémenter des same-track-transitions.

Curseur de la frise chronologique /Position du curseur / Tête de lecture

timeline playhead

This indicates the position we are displaying in the Écrans. You can scroll the position by dragging the Timeline cursor (a.k.a Position Caret or Playhead).

À partir de la version 0.9.4, un glisser du curseur de la frise chronologique permet de lire l'audio de la vidéo (alias Nettoyage de l'audio). Cette fonctionnalité ne fonctionne que si vous avez coché Utiliser OpenGL pour l'affichage vidéo dans Configurer Kdenlive.

Navigation au clavier

You now have the possibility to move clips and compositions with your keyboard. To do it, select a clip in the timeline and use the Grab Current Item function from the Menu ‣ Timeline menu or use the default shortcut of Shift + G.

Moving clips and compositions with Shift+G

You can then move the item with the arrow keys.

Keyframes can also be moved individually. Just click on a keyframe in the timeline, then move it Left or Right, change its value with + and -. Use Alt + arrow to go to another keyframe.

Moving clip keyframes in the timeline

Gestion des trames clé

Improved keyframe handling
  • Ajoutez une nouvelle trame clé par un double clic dans la frise chronologique.

  • Vous pouvez déplacer une trame clé sans modifier sa valeur en utilisant la ligne verticale apparaissant lorsque vous vous trouvez au-dessus ou au-dessous d'une trame clé.

  • Supprimer une trame clé en la faisant glisser bien au-dessus ou au-dessous des limites de la vidéo.

Disable/enable effect stack of a clip

Clip stack can be enabled/disabled by clicking on the effect.


Kdenlive Effect Stack disabled by click on the effect of a clip

Désactivation des vidéos individuelles


Individual clips can be disabled while still in the timeline but with no audio and no video – (works for all clip types). Right-click on the clip and choose Disable clip or Enable clip.

Toggle between sequence tabs

With following keyboard shortcuts you can toggle between sequence tabs:

Go to next sequence Ctrl+tab

Go to previous sequence Ctrl+shift+tab

Timeline Ruler

The timeline ruler shows the timecode information in the notation of hh:mm:ss:ff (default) or in frames. It displays the currently defined timeline zone (1) and the preview render zone (2) and its respective rendering status (red: not yet rendered; yellow: being rendered; green: finished).

Timeline Ruler

The timeline zone can be moved by dragging the square in the middle, and sized by either dragging the left or right edge or by positioning the playhead in the timeline and pressing I or O to set in-point and out-point, respectively. For more detailed information on preview render please refer to this section of the documentation.

Timeline ruler context menu

Right click into the timeline ruler opens the context menu and allows you to:

Timeline Toolbar

The timeline toolbar controls various aspects of the editor. It can be configured to accommodate your workflow (see Configuring the Toolbars for more details).


This is a quick overview of the main sections of the toolbar. A more detailed description can be found in the Timeline Toolbar section of this documentation.

1 - Enable track compositing and switching split view of audio and video (see Switching between mixed or split audio)

2 - Selects the editing mode: Normal, Overwrite, Insert (see Composition des pistes)

3 - Edit Tools: Selection Tool, Razor Tool, Spacer Tool, Slip Tool, Ripple Tool (see Outils de modification de la frise chronologique)

4 - Clip and Zone Tools: Mix Clips, Insert Clip Zone in Timeline, Overwrite Clip Zone in Timeline, Extract Timeline Zone, Lift Timeline Zone, Expand Clip (see also 3-point editing)

5 - Preview Render Tools - Start/Stop Render, Open Preview Render Options Dialog, Add Preview Render Zone, Delete All Preview Render Zones

6 - Toggle Audio Mixer Widget

7 - Status Bar icons (in lieu of the status bar which can be switched off in the View menu)*

* Please note this is a customized version of the timeline toolbar and the section #7 is not part of the default toolbar


The timeline is made of tracks. There are two kinds of tracks: audio and video. The number of tracks is defined when creating a new project in the project settings. Adding a clip to the timeline can be achieved by dragging it from the project bin or the Écrans.

Track Header

This area shows some options for a track:

Track header information

1 Track collapse and expand icon. Click on it to collapse or expand the track: hold Shift and click to expand or collapse all tracks of the same type.

2 Track name. Click on it to enter or change the name of the track.

3 Track type and track number

4 Track control icons. Use them to:

  • Lock the track kdenlive-lock which will prevent adding clips, removing clips, or moving of clips on the timeline;

  • Mute the track kdenlive-hide-audio (audio tracks only)

  • Hide video kdenlive-hide-video from this track; and,

  • Enable/Disable track effects tools-wizard allows you to enable or disable the effects applied to the track.

Adding Tracks

In order to add a track right-click anywhere in the track header area. In the Add Track dialog window specify what type of track, where and how many you want to insert.

Add track(s)

Deleting Tracks

In order to delete a track right-click anywhere in the track header area. In the Delete Track dialog window select the tracks you want to delete.

Delete track(s)

Resizing Tracks

Tracks can be individually resized. Holding down Shift makes all video or audio tracks change in height simultaneously.


Fit Tracks to view height

All tracks height can be adjusted following the height of the timeline view.

fit all tracks to view height

Reset track to default height

Shift+double-click on the track divider resets the track back to its default height.

track to default height

Switching between mixed or split audio

Basculez en direct entre deux modes de mise en page (mixte ou fractionné).


Configurable Tracks


Video track - You can choose to display either

  • In Frame

  • In/Out Frames

  • All Frames or

  • No Thumbnails


Audio track - You can enable:

  • Show Record Controls to record audio direct into the track. More details see Audio recording.

  • Separate Channels to see each channel of an audio track (i.e stereo, 5.1)

  • Normalize Audio Thumbnails maximize the audio level peak to -3dB.

Lecture continue en boucle

  • Désactiver Mettre la lecture en pause durant la recherche dans les paramètres Frise chronologique (Configuration /Configurer Kdenlive / Frise chronologique).

  • Définir une zone de la frise chronologique pour une boucle de lecture de la longueur que vous souhaitez.

  • Zone de boucle (CTRL + Maj + Espace)