Kdenlive is released about every three month. See the Kdenlive news page to get the latest information and release notes. And check out Co je nového for the most recent feature additions.
You can install Kdenlive in two different ways:
Using an installer
As a self-contained executable (Windows: standalone; Linux: appimage).
On macOS you can only use the installer version.
Visit the download page of the Kdenlive web site for up to date information on installing Kdenlive.
You will find all previous Kdenlive versions in the attic.
Video editing is in general relying heavily on CPU power. While Kdenlive has render profiles with GPU support, timeline playback uses the CPU. Therefore, the more powerful your CPU the better the playback performance of Kdenlive. More and better GPU support is on the near-term roadmap.
Kdenlive runs only on 64bit version of Windows. Kdenlive runs on Windows 7 and newer. We cannot guarantee that Kdenlive runs on server or embedded Windows version.
Kdenlive is available as an install and as a standalone version.
Install version: Needs administrator rights and gets installed on your local machine. It is also listed as a program.
It is available for all users on your computer.
The Kdenlive files are always located in the same folder.
Standalone version: Doesn’t need administrator rights and isn’t installed. It is not listed as a program. Is only accessible for the user who has downloaded the file.
If you work with a normal user on your computer, you can use Kdenlive.
You can copy the Kdenlive folder on any external drive and run it on a different computer without installing it. However, your personal settings and downloads within Kdenlive are stored on the computer you work on.
To start Kdenlive navigate to the bin folder and double-click kdenlive.exe. You can also create a shortcut to your Desktop for easy access. Right-click on kdenlive.exe and select Send to … and then Desktop (create shortcut).
If you want to use Kdenlive with domain users using Windows Active Directory and/or Group Policies (GPOs), make sure all users have read/write access to the following folders:
Also make sure no GPO is blocking the access to these folders.