

這個教學會向您介紹如何建立子母畫面 (PIP, Picture-in-Picture) 效果。


See 快速開始 for a step-by-step introductory tutorial

由 Seth Kenlon 所做的Introduction to Kdenlive

由 Seth Kenlon 所做的10 tools for visual effects with Kdenlive

由 Seth Kenlon 所做的Basic masking in Kdenlive


Some of these written tutorials were created a long time ago and reference much older versions of Kdenlive. While underlying techniques may still work, Kdenlive has added many new features or changed the way editing can be done in the meantime.


Image and Title Layers Transparency Tutorial - Open Source Bug

How to do pan and zoom with Kdenlive video editor - Peter Thomson

Keyframe Animation - Linuceum

Kdenlive Tutorials - Arkengheist 2.0:非常多的教學影片,包含文字效果、轉場特效、縮時影片、動畫、Lower Thirds、轉描等等。

A whole series of tutorials covering 2019 to 2023 - Victoriano de Jesus

More videos can be found using a YouTube search and on the Vimeo Kdenlive Tutorial Channel.