HSL Primaries¶
Adjust hue, saturation and lightness for each of the three primary colors (red, green, blue) and three secondary colors (cyan, magenta, yellow). HSL color space is useful when performing subtle color changes.
Parameter |
Value |
Description |
Hue shift color |
0° to 360° |
0° (or 360°) is red, 120° is green, 240° is blue |
Saturation scale color |
0% to 100% |
Intensity of a color: 0% completely gray, 50% gray, 100% color |
Lightness scale color |
0% to 100% |
How much light you want to give the color: 0% no light (dark) |
Overlap |
0% to 100% |
The amount of overlap or blending between primaries |