Transform, Distort and PerspectiveΒΆ
The Transform, Distort and Perspective video effects category provides effects and filters for manipulating the shape, size and position of the source clip(s), such as Transform and Crop, Scale and Tilt effects.
The following effects and filters are available:
- Corners
- Crop by Padding
- Crop, Scale and Tilt
- Defish
- Distort
- Edge Crop
- Elastic Scale Filter
- Fill Borders
- Flip Horizontally
- Flip Vertically
- Flippo
- Lens Correction
- Lens Correction (keyframable)
- LetterB0xed
- Mirror
- Nosync0r (Broken TV)
- Pillar Echo
- Position and Zoom
- Rotate and Shear
- Rotate (keyframable)
- Scroll
- Shear
- Transform
- Transpose
- Zoom Pan