
Editing is done in the Timeline. Add a clip by dragging it from the The Project Bin or the Monitors. Once a clip is dropped on a track, it can be moved (drag and drop it) to another place on the same track or onto another track.

add clip to timeline

Editing with keyboard shortcuts can speed up the editing work, and you can do editing steps that are not possible or not as quick and easy with the mouse. Working with keyboard shortcuts from version 19.08 onwards is different as in previous Kdenlive versions. Mouse operations have not changed and work as before. See 3 Point Editing


时间轴光标显示您当前在项目中的位置。 时间轴标尺和项目监视器上的光标位置总是同步。位置可以通过以下方式移动:

  • 键盘快捷键:单帧——左/右箭头,1 秒—— Shift+左/右箭头

  • 点击/拖动 Timeline 或时间轴的空区域。

  • Clicking/dragging in the Monitors ruler.

  • Rotating the mouse wheel while the pointer is over the Timeline or over the Monitors

  • Editing the timecode in the Monitors timecode widget

  • Clicking the up or down arrows on the Monitors timecode widget

Cutting a Clip

要剪切片段,最简单的方法是将时间轴光标放在你想要剪切片段的位置, 然后选择片段 (左键点击),使用菜单 时间轴 ‣ 当前剪辑 ‣ 切割剪辑 (默认快捷方式: Shift + R)。

或 :menuselection:`右键点击 –> 切割剪辑 `

或者,使用 间隙工具

Resizing a Clip

可以从一个视频片段的开头或结尾拖动左边或右边来调整它的大小。 如果你想要更精确地调整大小, 可以在任何你想要调整到开头/结尾的位置上放置时间线光标,然后使用菜单 时间轴 ‣ 调整项目起点位置。默认快捷方式: :kbd:`(时间轴 ‣ 调整项目终点位置 默认快捷方式: )

要更准确地控制片段的长度,请在时间线中双击它,并使用 片段持续时间 对话框调整其长度。 您可以使用此方法获得帧级别的精准度。

clip duration

您也可以使用 “剃刀工具”_ 剪切一个片段,然后删除您不想要的那个片段。

使用 Shift + 前后拖动 来独立调整片段,只调整片段的音频或视频部分。

时间轴中的 alt + 移动 允许将音频或视频部分单独移动到另一个轨道。

resize clip yellow indicator

Select a clip in the project bin. When resizing this clip in the timeline the clip monitor shows a yellow indicator relative to the original clip length.

Edit an Animation


This requires Glaxnimate version >= 0.5.1

Double click on an animation clip in the timeline and this will open Glaxnimate.

Animation with background

The background of the animation in Kdenlive will also be shown in Glaxnimate.

Glaxnimate with background

It is possible to have several Glaxnimate instances open, but the background will only be send to the one opened first in Glaxnimate. If you like to see the Kdenlive background of another animation clip, save the animation and close Glaxnimate before you double click another animation clip.

Change Speed of a Clip


通过 Ctrl + 拖动 来调整片段的速度。

右键点击片段可查看 Change speed


右键点击片段之间的空白,然后选择 移除空白区域。 但请注意,如果您在时间轴上的多个轨道上有片段,并且它们没有被分组, 移除空白可能会扰乱不同轨道之间片段的对齐——只有您点击的轨道上的空白才会被移除。 在这种情况下,使用`间隙工具`_ 可能更加安全。

remove space

Timeline ‣ Current track ‣ Remove All Spaces After Cursor

It handles AV clips as 1 element, doesn’t matter on which track they are. This function is only in the Timeline menu available this to avoid clutter.

More details see Remove Space / Remove Space in All Tracks.

Adjust timeline zone

Shift+z adjusts timeline zone to selected clips

adjust timeline zone to selection



Middle Toolbar ver  21.04
  1. Track Compositing 下拉式菜单


Track compositing is now a simple checkbox instead of the deprecated none/high resolution choice.

When enabled Kdenlive is set to High Quality

When disabled Kdenlive is set to None

自 22.08 版本弃用.

1a, 1b and 1c cannot be selected anymore.

1d. 混合音频轨道 更改音频和视频音轨显示顺序。 例如,从时间轴的底部到时间轴的顶部:A1、V1、A2、V2、A3、V3

1e. 拆分音频音轨 更改音频和视频轨道显示顺序。 例如,从时间轴的底部到时间轴的顶部:A3、A2、A1、V1、V2、V3

1e. 拆分音频音轨(反向) 更改音频和视频轨道显示顺序。 例如,从时间轴的底部到时间轴的顶部:A1、A2、A3、V1、V2、V3

  1. 时间轴编辑模式 下拉式菜单。这些相同的设置可以在 工具 菜单下找到。

2a. 时间轴 - 正常模式

2b. 时间轴 - 覆盖模式

2a. 时间轴 - 插入模式

  1. Use timeline zone timeline-use-zone-on / Do not use timeline zone timeline-use-zone-off for insert (toggles). See Insert and Overwrite: Advanced Timeline Editing for more details.

工具组 (3 个中的一个可以激活)


  1. 选区工具 - 同时按下 ‘S’ 热键来选择。允许选择和操纵时间线上的素材

  2. 剃刀工具 - 同时按下 ‘X’ 热键来选择,或使用”Shift-R”在片段开头切割。 可以将一个片段切成两个片段。

  3. ”间隔工具“ _ - 也可通过“M”热键选择。该工具将在时间轴的某一点选择所有剪辑,并允许它们立即移动。

  4. 位置指示器 - 在左侧显示鼠标悬停位置的时间点或帧数,在右侧显示项目的总长度。

7a. hh:mm:ss:ff; 设置位置指示器以显示时间单位

7b. 将位置指示器设置为显示帧

  1. Mix Clips - allows same-track transitions to be applied between two clips. See Mixes for a detailed explanation.

  2. Insert Clip Zone in Timeline. See Insert and Overwrite: Advanced Timeline Editing for more details.

  3. Overwrite Clip Zone in Timeline. See Insert and Overwrite: Advanced Timeline Editing for more details.

  4. 提取时间轴选区

  5. 提升时间轴选区

  6. 收藏的效果

  7. Start Preview Render

14a. 停止预览渲染

14b. 添加预览区域

14c. 移除预览区域

14d. 删除所有预览区域

14e. 自动预览

14f. 禁用时间轴预览

14g. 管理缓存数据

Items 14, 14a-14g are covered in detail by the Tips & Tricks chapter about Timeline Preview Rendering.

  1. Show/Hide the Audio Mixer tool. The audio mixer tool allows audio to be managed in the project.

  2. Show/Hide the Subtitles Tool. This will show or hide the subtitle track where subtitles can be created or edited in the project.

Track Compositing

The track compositing applies uniformly to all tracks in your timeline.


Under certain compositing conditions, if you see the outcome of a transition not to be what you would expect, try to switch track compositing off for a quick check. If the oddity is gone, then this is an interference between the automatic timeline track compositing and your user transitions.

Track compositing is now a simple checkbox instead of the none/high resolution choice.

High Quality

自 22.08 版本弃用.

When track compositing is set to High-Quality tracks with alpha channel information will be automatically composited with the other tracks using an algorithm that is somewhat slower than the algorithm used with Preview but which retains higher fidelity color information.


自 22.08 版本弃用.

When Track Compositing is set to None you will not get tracks with alpha channel information to composite with the other tracks unless an explicit composite or affine transition is added between the clips. This is basically kind of an expert mode when you need full control over any compositing in your timeline.


自 21.08 版本弃用.


Final rendering always uses either High Quality or None. So Preview quality is, well, for preview only.

When track compositing is set to Preview tracks with alpha channel information will be automatically composited with the other tracks using an algorithm that is somewhat faster than the algorithm used with High Quality but which slightly degrades the colors.


Normal Mode

In this edit mode, you can not drag clips on top of other clips in the same track in the timeline. You can drag them to another track in the timeline but not into the same track at the same time point as an existing clip. Contrast this to overwrite mode.

Overwrite Mode

In this edit mode, you can drag a clip onto a track where there is an existing clip and the incoming clip will overwrite that portion of the existing clip (or clips) covered by the incoming clip.





In the “After” screenshot above, you can see that the clip which was dragged from the upper track has replaced a portion of the clip on the lower track.

Rearrange clips in the timeline

Performing a rearrange edit. This technique lets you quickly change the order of clips in the timeline.


Drag a clip, as you drop it to a new location performs an overwrite edit that overwrites the existing clip.


With this mode selected and you drop a selection into the timeline the selection will be inserted into the timeline at the point where the mouse is released. The clip that the selection is dropped on is cut and clips are moved to the right to accommodate the incoming clip.






After. Incoming Clip inserted. Clips after the insert point are shifted Right

Rearrange edit in the timeline

Performing a rearrange edit. Only clips in the destination track are shifted; clips in other tracks are not affected. This technique lets you quickly change the order of clips in the timeline.

It always closes all space in the track.


Drag a clip, as you drop it to a new location. Releasing the clip performs an insert edit that shifts clips in the destination track only.

Timeline Edit Tools

Selection Tool

Use this to select clips in the timeline. The cursor becomes a hand when this tool is active.

Razor Tool

Use this to cut clips in the timeline. The cursor becomes a pair of scissors when this tool is active.

ESC: Return from any tools back to Selection tool.

Spacer Tool

Use this tool (distribute-horizontal) to temporarily group separate clips and then drag them around the timeline to create or remove space between clips. Very useful. Experiment with this tool to see how it works.

spacer tool crop

In the above example, these clips are not grouped. However, the spacer tool groups them temporarily for you so you can move them all as a group.

ESC: Return from any tools back to Selection tool.

Slip Tool

slip tool

Slip keeps the original duration of the clip. Like working with old film material: beneath the given “window” of the clip length it slips the film strip back and forth.

slip tool in action

Use Slip (kdenlive-slip) to trim, in a single operation, the IN and OUT points of a clip forward or backward by the same number of frames, while keeping the original duration and without affecting adjacent clips.

You can slip multiple clips at once now: select all clips you want to slip with the selection tool using Shift then enable the slip tool and go ahead…

Slip can be done with the mouse, with the arrow keys and with the buttons on the monitor toolbar.

ESC: Return from any tools back to Selection tool.

Ripple Tool

ripple tool

Ripple changes the original duration of the clip. Like working with old film material: You lengthen or shorten the film strip and move the adjacent clips back and forth as you do that.

Use Ripple (kdenlive-ripple) to trim a clip and shift following clips in the track by the number of frames you trim. When you shorten a clip by this action all clips that follow the cut shift back in time, contrariwise, when you extend a clip the clips after the cut shift forward in time. If an empty space is on the track it behaves as a clip and it shifts in time as a standard clip would be.

You can Ripple only a single clip at once.

Ripple can be done with the mouse only.

ESC: Return from any tools back to Selection tool.

Multicam Tool

multicam tool

The multicam tool allows to cut between several cameras while playback is running. Add your clips in different tracks, but at the same position in the timeline and activate the multicam tool by going to menu Tool -> Multicam tool. You may trim the clips in the desired track while the timeline is playing by pressing their corresponding numbers (for track V1, press key 1; for track V2 press key 2, etc…) or simply select the desired track in the project monitor by clicking on it with the mouse.

Select multicam tool will switch on the Multitrack View in the project monitor and set a marker at the current timeline position. You can then seek/play to the wanted position, click on a track view in the project monitor and it will lift all tracks except for the previously active track. You can then repeat seek and click in another track to continue lifting tracks.

It doesn’t stop playing when you perform the operation to avoid to lose the rhythm and to work as you are working during a live broadcasting. If you need to correct the editing you can manually stop and trim the cut as you do when you video editing as normal.

The audio tracks is not involved in the process as you generally use only one audio track (the one which come from the main mixer to which the other ones are synced to)

ESC: Return from any tools back to Selection tool.

Status Bar

Bottom toolbar ver 17.04
  1. Hints what you can do when you hover over items.

  2. Names of the clip you hover over in the timeline

  3. Mode you are in (default is Select = Normal Mode)

  4. Switch for Color Tags

  5. Switch for Video Thumbnails

  6. Switch for Audio Thumbnails. See Show Audio Thumbnails

  7. Switch for markers. See Show marker comments

  8. Switch for Snap. See Snap

  9. Fit Zoom to Project. See Fit Zoom to Project

  10. Zoom Out

  11. Zoom slider Zoom Project

  12. Zoom In

Split Audio and Video Automatically

When this is on and you drag a clip to the timeline, the audio in the clip will end up on an audio track and the video on a video track. You can achieve the same result if you select the clip, Right-Click Menus, Split Audio. When this is off and you drag a clip onto the timeline, both the audio and video tracks are combined into one video track.

Automatic Transitions

When active any transitions added to the timeline will have the automatic transition option checked by default. See Transitions/Compositions

Show Video Thumbnails

When on, the video clips in the timeline will contain thumbnails as well as a filename. Otherwise, they just have the clip filename.

When the timeline is zoomed in to the maximum, the video track will show a thumbnail for every frame in the clip. When the timeline is not on maximum zoom, the video track will show a thumbnail for the first and last frame in the clip.

Show Audio Thumbnails

When on, the audio clip will have a wave representation of the audio data as well as a filename. Otherwise, they just have the clip filename.

Show marker comments

This toggles on and off the display of Markers saved within Clips (the text with the gold background in the example below) and within Guides (the text with the purple background).

markers and guides


When this feature is on, dragging the beginning of one clip near to the end of another will result at the end of the first clip snapping into place to be perfectly aligned with the beginning of the second clip. As you move the two ends near to each other, as soon as they get within a certain small distance, they snap together so there is no space and no overlap. Note that this occurs even if the clips are on different tracks in the timeline.

Clips will also snap to the cursor position, markers and Guides.

Fit Zoom to Project

This will zoom the project out so that it all fits in the timeline window. This is the same function that is triggered by Timeline Menu Menu item, Fit Zoom to Project.

Zoom project

The magnifying glasses zoom in or out on the timeline. The slider adjusts the zoom by large increments. These same settings are controlled by the Timeline menu items, Zoom In and Zoom Out.

Cutting Footage from multiple aligned tracks - Ripple Delete

This is available on the Timeline menu under All clips ‣ Ripple Delete [1] .

Seems missing in Kdenlive 17.04 & 18.04

Mark In and Out points in the Project Monitor, then choose Timeline ‣ All clips ‣ Ripple Delete (or Ctrl + X). Kdenlive deletes all footage between the In and Out points in unlocked tracks, slides everything else back to fill the gap, and puts the playhead on the In point.

3 point editing

3 important points to understand the 3 point editing concept (with keyboard shortcuts):


3point source

On the left of the track head the green vertical lines (V1 or A2). The green line is connected to the source clip in the project bin. Only when a clip is selected in the project bin, the green line shows up depending on the type of the clip (A/V clip, picture/title/color clip, audio clip).


3point target

In the track head the target V1 or A1 is active when it’s yellow. An active target track reacts to edit operations like insert a clip even if the source is not active.

The concept is like thinking of connectors

Connect the source (the clip in the project bin) to a target (a track in the timeline). Only when both connectors on the same track are switched on the clip “flow” from the project bin to the timeline.


Active target tracks without connected source react on edit operations.

Examples of advanced edit

Here is a brief introduction to the 3 point editing system.

3point insert
  1. Select a clip in the project bin with an up/down arrow

  2. Navigate the clip by the JKL keys or by the left/right arrows and set the IN and the OUT point by the I and O keys.

  3. Hit T to change to the timeline

  4. Select a video or audio track in the timeline (up/down arrow key) and set it as source with Shift + T.

  5. Activate the track as a target with shortcut A (this connects the track to the source)

  6. Hit V (insert) or B (overwrite) to add the clip at the play-head position or to fill the selected area in the timeline if it is active. If you need to activate it use the G key.

3point edit

In the following example, we want only to insert the audio part of a clip in A2 and we want to create a gap in all the other video and audio tracks:

  1. Activate all the target tracks which contain clips (yellow buttons).

  2. Activate just the audio source on A2

  3. Press V (insert).