Normalizza video RGB



Questo effetto/filtro normalizza un video RGB (conosciuta anche come allungamento dell’istogramma e del contrasto).





Temporal smoothing


The number of previous frames to use for temporal smoothing. The input range of each channel is smoothed using a rolling average over the current frame and the smoothing previous frames. The default is 0 (no temporal smoothing)

Proportion of independent

Virgola mobile

Controls the ratio of independent (color shifting) channel normalization to linked (color preserving) normalization. 0.0 is fully linked, 1.0 is fully independent. Defaults to 1.0 (fully independent).


Virgola mobile

La forza complessiva del filtro. 1.0 indica la piena forza, mentre 0.0 è un «nessuna operazione» piuttosto costoso. Il valore predefinito è 1.0 (piena forza)

Output darkest / brightest input color


Colors which define the output range. The minimum input value is mapped to the output darkest input color. The maximum input value is mapped to the output brightest input color. The defaults are black and white respectively. Specifying white for output darkest input color and black for output brightest input color will give color-inverted, normalized video. Shades of grey can be used to reduce the dynamic range (contrast). Specifying saturated colors here can create some interesting effects. Use the color-picker color picker or the color button to select the color.


The Normalize RGB Video and Normaliz0r effects essentially do the same but produce slightly different results.


Per maggiori informazioni fai riferimento all’articolo su wikipedia sulla normalization.